This is the community of the persons who are originated from Gajedi VDC. If you are from Gajedi VDC and your name is not in the list, you can send email at Thanks

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Members of Gajedi VDC

Dear all, we are launching this blog intending to facilitate the communication among the members coming here in Kathmandu from Gajedi VDC.
There is NOT actual data of how many are we in Kathmandu, but our estimation is more than 100. Among them, we have listed some names here:
(Note: if any body is unlisted here, please inform in the comment, we will append in the list. )

S.N. Name Address Contact Email
1 Krishna Paudyal Lausa 9841483407
2 Rajendra Paudyal Lausa 9803531228
3 Hari Paudyal Lausa 9841907482
4 Bishnu Paudyal Lausa 9803531228
5 Chandra Bandhu Binayee Lausa 9851009441
6 Bina Karki Lausa 9847024117
7 Subash Karki Lausa 9803318071
8 Resham Karki Lausa 9803744519
9 Deepak Paudyal Lausa 9741071011
10 Ravi Lal Sharma Lausa 9741099598
11 Sarita Paudyal Lausa 9847048461
12 Prem Paudyal Lausa 9847048461
13 Nabin Paudyal Lausa

14 Sushila Giri Lausa

15 Moharaj Paudyal Lausa 9803140365
16 Laxmi Paudyal Lausa 9808005784

17 Anuradha Gurung Lausa 9841479637
18 Khem Raj Gaywali ( Nabin ) Lausa 9841368908
19 Santosh Paudyal Belbhariya 9851013031
20 Sita Acharya Paudyal Belbhariya 9851013031
21 Sanjay Acharya Belbhariya 9841619460
22 Jeetu Pun Shantinagar 9841442529
23 Mahendra Bdr B K Danapur

24 Laxman Ghimire Materiya 9841246628
25 Sandhya Paudyal Materiya 9847025645
26 Sabita Paudyal Materiya 9847025645
27 Sabitra Ghimire Materiya 9841971908
28 Surya Kshetri Sukaiyatal 9841472117
29 Sumitra Marasini Sukaiyatal

30 Sangeeta Ghimire Materiya

31 Prakash Subedi Materiya 9841163168
32 Laxmi Subedi Materiya

33 Yashoda Subedi Materiya 9841304634

34 Gire Thapa Materiya 01-4364399
35 Hari Gautam Jhuwapad 9851033262
36 Prakash Karki Lausha 9806902116



  1. I'm just trying to join in our vcd's community

  2. I am also from gajedi and I am reading here. I want to join in this list.
